Manahil El Ilm School - Private education Sidi Bel Abbès

Values ​​of the ESTABLISHMENT

A dynamic School, based on a common vision and shared values. Beyond legal obligations and statutory missions, the school's culture is deployed at the intersection of 4 axes.

• Excellence and Ambition: in each situation, the standards targeted, personal and collective, are among the best of those practiced.

• Equality and Openness: this involves fighting relentlessly against all forms of discrimination, particularly related to social origin.

• Freedom and Creativity: freedom of thought, expression and action are encouraged, while respecting each individual, and the development of critical thinking (in particular, academic autonomy and scientific independence are guaranteed); simultaneously, the spirit of innovation and creativity are aroused.

• Cooperation and mutual assistance: within the school, the actions are carried out in a cooperative manner which implies, in particular, paying attention to members encountering difficulties.

Daily life at the school

Life at the school is managed by internal regulations developed in compliance with the directives and guidelines of the Ministry of National Education. These regulations define the relationship between the different stakeholders: management, teaching staff, students and the parents' association.
• The purpose of the internal regulations is to define the rules of life of the school community. They apply to everyone.

This document is made up of three parts:

1. The school's obligations: to make available to students all human and material resources....

2. The student's obligations: acknowledge and respect all the rules that govern the way of life within the establishment

3. And finally what the parents of students must do: prepare the children for collective life….

This is a small overview of school life at our establishment.

Our prices :
For prices and payment terms, please contact us at 048 69 31 48 or 0552 68 65 31.

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  • School Catering and transport